Monday, 25 November 2013

Storytelling Apps

After talking to Alex about the potential to expand his story to be made into a storytelling app, I went straight back onto TED talks' website and found a great talk I had seen last year on a developer and her take on storytelling apps. It was such an inspiring talk and the visuals were really stunning, and she had really understood her audience and ensured it was as interactive and accessible as possible. You can find the talk here:

Apps are complicated things to make, and it can take years to make a successful app from start to finish, plus marketing also takes time too. As I was concerned about learning coding I set off to find ways to create the apps using software which does the coding for you. I found two of these sorts of 'app makers' here:

Kwiksher seemed the easiest interface to use, so I decided to have a look at a few apps which have been made with their software. Below are two of my favourites. I think these examples are rather basic, but with better visuals it would really be something.

After a bit of searching, I found that Kwiksher have started a kickstarted to update their software adding many more handy tools to thier already useful software. This is definitly something worth keeping an eye out for in the future.

I then did some research into some existing storytelling apps and searched for visually stunning ones, but found it difficult to find many. Underneath are links to a few I liked.

Disney App

Animation Liam showed me (This app was by far the most developed and showed me the potential behind how apps can be used as a great platform for animation and interactive storytelling.)

La Luna App

Goodnight Moon

The Amazing Train

Where do the balloons go

What do bugs dream about


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